Sunday, May 9, 2010

Perfection Pound Cake.

I have finally located the perfect pound cake. It is in the marvelous book All Cakes Considered. I got the book this past Christmas, and finally got around to taking it for a spin today. This is the first recipe in the book, and it alone is worth the cost of the book. Fortunately, someone else has already put it online. It's so good that I may make another tomorrow! The smell of it cooking is surely the closest that we can get to the perfume of Heaven. Now, if I can find my grandmother's recipe for lemon glaze, I might actually lose consciousness after the first bit......


knitforknot said...

Did I inspire this? ;)

Marcus said...

No, but I did think about your recent difficulties while making it. I checked this recipe against your mother's, and it is remarkably similar.