Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pecan-Grits Balls.

Here's another that I've never encountered before. I don't eat grits, but I'm sure that those who do will LOVE these things.

Pecan-Grits Balls

3 cups cooked grits, cooled and then mashed well to loosen up
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 cups crushed pecans
2 beaten eggs
1 cup bread crumbs
oil for deep frying

Add cream to grits, then Worcestershire and pecans. Form into 1 inch balls and chill for at least an hour. When ready to serve, dip into beaten eggs, then into bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat until golden brown on all sides. Serve hot.

1 comment:

tlm said...

Have I mentioned that I am ready to try these?