Friday, March 5, 2010


I was recently bequeathed a vintage Alabama cookbook from the 60s. In it, I ran across this recipe, and since I had never heard the word before, I Googled it. I only saw two references, and one was for this same recipe in another cookbook, archived for perpetuity at Google Books. But just in case something happens and that book is taken down from Google (it IS still in production and available from Amazon), I'm adding it here as well. It is definitely a member of the relish family.


16 large ripe tomatoes
6 large white onions
6 green peppers
1 red hot pepper
2 cups sugar
6 TBSP salt (can be reduced to four, to taste)
1 pint vinegar
spices, to taste

Scald & skin tomatoes. Chop onions and green peppers coarsely. Combine all ingredients in a large, heavy kettle and cook slowly for one hour or longer, until thick. Stir often to prevent scorching. Pour into small jars and seal while hot. Serve with black eyed peas and turnip greens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We made this after discovering it in an OLD southern cookbook. IT. IS. FANTASTIC... Good to see people are still rediscovering this great southern relish. (try it on a hot dog w/ mustard).